Sunday, January 30, 2011


Name: Makenzie

Home: USA; NEAR ME ( We are neighbors and know each other in real life)

Age: 10, almost 11

Years on Stardoll: 1

3 words that describe you: Random, Cute, CRAZY

Why she loves stardoll: "I love it because I can express my love for true fashion and I can meet really nice people and I love their clothes."

What she likes to do on Stardoll: "I love collecting Hot Buys and I love to decorate (my suite) but Fletcher is better than I am!" (AWW! SHE IS SO SWEET, but mine's not better. Its just different.)

What she likes to do in real life:"I love to dance, sing, play on my keyboard, and I love dancing with Fletcher to music on the radio!" Awwww.....again...SO SWEET AND CUTE!

Fave Outfit: Aeropostale (brand in America) tee with black jeans and inside soccer shoes

Fave Designer: Her favorite store is Aeropostale.

My opinion on her: " Well, she is my neighbor, and I LOVE HER LIKE A SISTER! WE play all the time, and we love to dance and HAVE FUN! We have a 3 year age difference, but that doesnt change our friendship! Also, she has a great style!"

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I love this shop..u cant see it in the USA, but u can buy the stuff ( there is a free lizard, cape, and dress, but the hair is NOT free) with this link:,30383,30384,30385,30386,30387,30388,30389,30390,30391,30392,30393,30394,3039

Interview #2- Callie1221


Name: Lacey

Home: East Coast of USA

Age: 12

Years on Stardoll: 2 years

3 words that describe you: Funny, Kind, Compassionate

Why she loves stardoll: "I love stardoll because you can meet people all around the world and meet people from other countries. Its so intersting to see what their culture is like!"

What she likes to do on Stardoll: She likes to decorate 
her album, and do Roleplay.

What she likes to do in real life:"In real life I love to hang out with my friends. We all love to crack jokes and burst out laughing ;D I also love to play the piano and read manga. I'm also a decent drawer."

Fave Outfit: "My favorite outfit is skinny jeans, Mcr [My Chemical Romance; its a band] Tee, combat boots, and my favorite bracelet and ribbon tied on my wrist ."

Fave Designer: Alexander Mcqueen ( She loves alot of 
designers ut couldn't think of them at that moment...hahaha.)

Other Info: She loves Chemical Romance! And loves to write for fun!

My opinion on her: "I think she is a beautiful young lady who 
knows that it is okay to be herself. She has such a different 
style than me, but turns out, opposites attract, because we 
closest friends. WHen I see she is online, my face lights up :)"

Friday, January 28, 2011


If you are not from Egypt you'll need a web proxy...go to

(scroll to the bottom of the page and click on 'begin surf' ) It is a SLOW proxy. :(

Paste this link into the box: and hit GO

Log in, then paste this link into the box

Log off the proxy and go to regular Stardoll.

It will be in a box in your suite.

ATTENTION: In case there will be pop up ads during the time you are using the proxy...close them and continue with the steps....don't click in any of them...we cannot guarantee the safety of a proxy.



FREE Fudge Surfing Skirt and PSP Surfboard

There is an 'Australia Day' contest in Australia that gives us a skirt and surfboard.
You may remember the surfboard from the PSP campaign ages ago.
You may still get the 'I Love Australia' tee just for logging in.
 Let me know if you do. My model already has it.

***EDIT*** Before using the proxy check the contest page in YOUR country. 
I live in the US and saw this in our contest page as well just now.

(click photo to enlarge)

If you are not from Australia you'll need a web proxy...
go to (thanks browseinstardoll and MuMu!))

Paste this link into the box: 
and hit go/browse

Log in, then paste this link into the box

Log off the proxy and go to regular Stardoll.

They will be in boxes in your suite.

ATTENTION: In case there will be pop up ads during the time you are using the proxy...
close them and continue with the steps....don't click in any of them...we cannot guarantee the safety of a proxy.


Interview #1- Katt55


Name: Katt55/ Katty Parker

How I know her : We are good friends on Stardoll.

Home: Canada

Age: 14

Been on Stardoll: almost a year

Described as: Crazy, Friendly, Trustworthy

Why she loves Stardoll:"I love stardoll because its a place to express yourself, and learn new trends and styles. Plus you meet some really great people."

What she like to do on Stardoll:She collects DKNY, and loves to write for her blog (She writes

What she likes to do in real life: She likes to play basketball,dance hip hop, and she loves hanging with friends.

Favorite Outfit:  skinnies, red sweater, and dark brown uggs

Favorite designer: Chanel

Other info: "Hmm, I make friends easily, i hate gossip, i love sad songs, music is my passion, and the song because of you by kelly clarkson is my favorite song."

What I think of her : " She is a really sweet girl who has a beautiful love for fashion, and she has been a really close friend of mine for the past 4 monthes."


Okayyy...Good News.

I have great news. I have more than one follower. Isn't that great?? I think its amazing. Anyways, please tell all your friends...and I will have new stuff up soon.
       <3, Fletcher / dwtslover1